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OxCODE's Vision & Objectives

OxCODE's vision

The Oxford Centre for Cancer Early Detection and Prevention's (OxCODE's) vision is to generate Quantitative Risk Scores - the ‘Oxford QR codes’ – to enable personalised risk stratification, early cancer detection and the development of targeted interventions to prevent malignant cancer development.

We are using Oxford’s clinical cohorts and applying our novel discovery and detection technologies to generate clinical imaging (e.g. MRI, endoscopy, digital pathology), molecular (e.g. nucleic acid, protein or metabolite) and immunological data. Integrative data analysis and modelling will be used to identify key parameters that contribute to the Quantitative Risk scores to assist prognostic cancer early detection and the identification of targets and surrogate biomarkers for preventative therapies.


A schematic diagram outlining OxCODE's vision. We will use local cohorts (e.g. Oxford Radcliffe Biobank, Translational Gastroenterology Unit, SCAN pathway), National cohorts (e.g. OxPLoreD, DeLIVER, MILI), National and international biobanks (e.g. UK Biobank, China Kadoorie Biobank) and National Healthcare Records (e.g. QResearch). These cohorts span a range of phenotyping depths and cohort sizes. To these cohorts, we will apply advanced imaging (e.g. pathology, computed tomography and endscopy) and liquid biopsy (e.g. metabolites, DNA, proteins) technologies to generate Oxford QR codes for risk stratification, identifying those at higher or lower risk.

OxCODE's objectives

  1. Galvanise and expand Oxford’s precision cancer prevention and early cancer detection research community, bringing in more members and facilitating the creation of new synergistic collaborative partnerships.
  2. Increase the scale and scope of precision cancer prevention and early cancer detection research at Oxford by supporting the acquisition of competitive external funding.
  3. Raise awareness of Oxford’s precision cancer prevention and early cancer detection research activity and expertise to both internal and external audiences.