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OxCODE Travel Award

Mission & Overview

The mission of the Oxford Centre for Cancer Early Detection and Prevention (OxCODE) Travel Award is to raise the profile of Oxford’s cancer early detection and precision prevention research by competitively funding the attendance of early career researchers (students and post-doctoral researchers, or equivalent) at major annual cancer prevention and early detection conferences.

Applications from researchers working on fundamental scientific and/or clinical precision cancer prevention and early detection research are welcome. Priority will be given to applications with an abstract of high scientific quality with a clearly articulated relevance to biologically informed cancer prevention and/or early cancer detection, and applications with a strong justification for how the applicant will benefit by attending this conference.

Award details

  • Conference: Early Detection of Cancer conference or Cancer Prevention Research Conference
  • Maximum amount per award: £3,000-£3,600
  • Permitted expenses: conference fees, travel costs, accommodation (maximum 3 nights) and reasonable requests for subsistence
  • Eligibility: the lead applicant must:
    • be an OxCODE member (sign up here);
    • be a student or post-doctoral employee (or equivalent) of the University of Oxford or of the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust with a contract extending beyond the date of the conference;
    • present a poster or talk at the conference;
    • not have received an OxCODE Travel Award in the last 2 years.

Application process

The competitions for the 2024 conferences have now closed.